viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Your Approach to Learning

This is quite an extensive topic, however for the point of this discussion we will keep it pretty straightforward and focus in on 3 important factors that are critical to your success as a learner:

Goals & Targets

Without a target you don’t know where to shoot. And if you have no idea where to shoot, than you will either procrastinate and hold back from shooting all together, or you will simply shoot at everything and hope that you hit something worthwhile when it is all said and done.
Goals are absolutely critical to your success as an effective learner. They not only set you on target towards a desired destination, but they also keep you motivated and focused in on the bigger picture of your journey through this learning process.
As a general rule of thumb, make sure that your goals are achievable, yet slightly out of reach like a carrot on a stick. This will keep you inspired and moving forward towards the achievement of your fullest potential.


If goals are the target you are shooting at, than your plan is the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Within this gap there will be obstacles, challenges and potential pitfalls and problems that may arise unexpectedly. You must plan and prepare for these surprises, and you must develop a strategy that will not only get you to your target, but get you there in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Your plan should essentially incorporate everything that has been discussed throughout this post, and direct you towards your ultimate objectives.


This is all about measuring the rate of your movement as you progress along your path towards mastering the material you are studying. Measure not only how well your successes panned out, but also take into account your failures and how they can be improved upon the next time around. How well and effectively you measure and track your progress will indeed determine how quickly you are able to reach your learning goals and objectives. Your progress meter will also get you back on track, when you recognize you have moved off the beaten path.



Silvia De La Rosa Girón*

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